2021-22 Unit Plan
Political Science

Mission Statement

Housed in the Sociocultural Studies Department, Political Science promotes student success, completion and transfer. 政治学旨在培养理解和欣赏政治和政府重要性的终身学习者, as well as civic engagement.

Program Description

政治学课程为计划在加州州立大学完成四年制学位的学生提供了一个转学途径. Upon completion of an AA-T degree in Political Science, 学生将具备必要的基础知识以及随后完成学士学位所需的实践技能. 成功完成政治学课程后,学生将能够:

1. 找出美国政府制度的主要方面, for individual states (especially California), and compare governmental systems on a global basis.
2. 将各种政府系统置于发展/历史框架中. Methods of description, analysis, 对于选择政治学作为专业的学生来说,理论也将是重要的因素.

构成AA-T学位的课程也适用于Butte和transfer通识教育. With about 55 sections offered each academic year, 政治学为大量学生提供服务,并满足一系列重要的通识教育和转学要求.

Currently, there are 2 fulltime faculty in the discipline, 其中一名全职教师承担政治学的大部分职责. 六名副教授教授64%的课程. 2020年春季,由于师资不足,两个部分被取消, with over 50 students enrolled at the time of cancelation.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

Last SLO Report for Political Science was Spring 2017.


FTES in POS in the past has dropped, 但在过去的几个学年里,由于外部E世博ESBALL(夏令营大火),POS FTES反映了学院的情况, power outages).

即使发生了一些E世博ESBALL(游戏邦注:如营火、停电),玩家留存率仍然相对较高。. 由于营地大火和停电,该校迁至偏远地区,成功率略有下降. 成功率需要进一步的数据来确定缺乏成功率的情况.

The degrees awarded in POS continues to increase, even with the external issues confronting the community.



Strategic Direction

Program Review

政治学在2012年5月完成了最近的项目审查. 验证小组提出了三条建议,其中一条没有得到充分处理:

  1. Recommends a full-time faculty hire. *** 该学科最近的全职讲师于2013年秋季开始. 个人目前是管理课程或课外工作的唯一活跃的全职教师=缺乏能力来发展一个可以轻松发展和扩展的项目, 同时对当地社区和当地政府/政策制定者也有实际应用.

Department Goals

  1. Student Assistant

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Student Assistant


政治科学学院想雇佣一名实习生来协助发展公民参与项目的后勤工作. 这可以用联邦工作学习资金或现有的项目资金来完成. The estimated time commitment is 5-8 hours per week.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale


POS 2占我们课程的75%,并且满足转到csu和UCs的独特GE要求. 扩大学生的公民参与机会将提高课程成果的成就, as well as contribute to greater course retention, success, persistence, and transfer. An important POS 2 course outcome for students is, ,分析如何有效地参与国家政治, state, county and/or city levels.“教职员工对奇科州立大学的市政厅会议活动感到兴奋, 以及这在多大程度上支持了学生实现这一目标. 一项有计划的改进是使参加这项活动更加一致, 并尝试在E世博ESBALL校园内举办更多活动,让学生们能够与政策参与者讨论他们的研究.  目前,这需要一个教员独自处理大量的外部时间. One example is that the THM team meets every Friday, 每门CSUC课程都有一名讲师和一名研究生. Butte faculty are alone in their preparations, 并与CSUC的FYE项目沟通,处理巴特学生的所有后勤事宜. Butte POS程序在Fireside程序中尝试了这一点, 但我发现,只有一个活跃的正式会员来处理,工作量太大,而且成本效益不高.


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Course level SLOs: Yes
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: Yes
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: Yes
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources

政治科学学院想雇佣一名实习生来协助发展公民参与项目的后勤工作. 这可以用联邦工作学习资金或现有的项目资金来完成. The estimated time commitment is 5-8 hours per week.

Current Financial Resources
